The SaaS Business Model Explained

by | Sep 13, 2023

A new way of doing business these days is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), which is a more powerful approach and a model that could only exist because of the internet. Here we are going to discuss the pros and cons of the SaaS Business Model with examples.

What is the SaaS Model?

The idea behind the software-as-a-service or SaaS model is that software is kept on the internet (you can use it through a web browser), and businesses pay a monthly fee to use it. Making a good SaaS product usually needs a mix of coding knowledge and design skills for how it looks and works.

SaaS companies, basically, are probably one of the most complicated business models which we can discuss in this article.

The big difference between SaaS businesses and software companies is that SaaS works on the cloud. This means you don’t need a special license to use the software or any special stuff to make it work. The SaaS company looks after everything. Customers just have to log into their accounts so that they can use it fully.

Why is SaaS in Demand?

This service is very attractive, especially for business owners who don’t want to spend a lot of money on creating an IT system. Sometimes, SaaS solutions are really important for their work. For instance, sales teams might use SalesForce, and customer service departments might use Zendesk. When they choose a SaaS service, they lower the risk of using it for their business. Usually, they only have to pay a small fee every month.

SaaS companies mostly make money when people pay to use their service. They usually get paid through membership fees that customers pay regularly. These fees can be paid yearly or monthly and are sometimes called ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) or MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue). Customers can use the software and all of its features when they pay a fee.

As we talk about ways to grow, here we will have a look into other ways through which a SaaS business owner can make money.

Three Main Phases of a SaaS Business

Most of the  SaaS business goes through three main stages in its journey. 

Let’s dive into the three phases:

  1. Startup. This is the initial phase of the business when it is trying to find product-market fit and generate its first customers. The startup phase is often the most challenging, as the business is trying to establish itself in a competitive market.
  2. Hypergrowth. This is the phase when the business is growing rapidly and acquiring new customers at a high rate. The hypergrowth phase can be very exciting, but it can also be very challenging as the business needs to scale its operations to meet the demand.
  3. Stable Growth. This is the phase when the business has reached a steady state of growth and is generating a reliable stream of revenue. The stable growth phase is often the most profitable phase for a SaaS business, as it has a large customer base and a well-established brand.

Lots of SaaS products are really good, but dealing with hypergrowth can be hard for many businesses. It can even make them fail. In the Growth Strategies part of this article, we’ll talk about how to deal with this problem a bit.

Discuss the Examples of Successful SaaS Businesses

SaaS businesses make software that can do many things. Their main benefit is that they make other businesses’ work easier and more efficient.

Let’s check out some of the really successful things in the SaaS world


Sales Force is one of the first SaaS businesses, started in 1999 as a software company. It has helped many businesses manage their sales teams, organize potential customers, and keep in touch with their best potential clients. This product has been very successful and is what many SaaS business owners want to achieve with their own products.


HubSpot is an online marketing and sales platform that’s famous for its many tools to help businesses attract customers and lead them through the whole buying process. With HubSpot, you can do things like email marketing, make your blog better, and interact with people on social media.

While numerous software companies offer similar solutions, HubSpot remains a leader in digital marketing. What sets it apart from other providers?


Dropbox is one of the most successful software companies that provide a cloud storage service. It allows people to save, share, and synchronize files on different devices.

Dropbox keeps things simple. It’s easy to understand how to use the platform because of its straightforward user interface.


Zoom is a company that focuses on providing remote conferencing services using the Internet. Along with video meetings, it offers tools for chatting, sharing your screen, creating workspaces, and hosting webinars.

Many people wonder how Zoom became so popular, even beating strong competitors like Skype and Google Hangouts. The simple answer is its user-friendly design.

Meet Edgar

Edgar is a special tool for social media that can help you save lots of time. It puts posts in your social media queue by itself and lets you use them again later.

The thought is that since lots of social media posts may not be seen by the people following your Twitter or Facebook page, you can use them again to reach more of your business’s audience as time goes on.

Even though it’s not as big as, Edgar has become really important in the social media SaaS field. It’s a good idea to pay attention to it and use it as an example for other SaaS businesses.

Even though it’s not as big as, Edgar is important in social media software. You should watch it and learn from it if you run a similar software business.


Now, let’s talk about Zendesk, which is a big deal in the SaaS world. Zendesk is famous for its customer service ticketing system, and businesses of all sizes like it. It helps them make their customer service better, which means the people who use their services have a better experience.

The Pros of the SaaS Business Model

The cool thing about the SaaS business model is that your customers can really like your product a lot. This is especially true if your SaaS product is super important for their businesses. And, they usually feel like they’re part of your special group.

For instance, Zendesk offers software that helps businesses make their customer service work well. Even if there’s a new ticketing software that seems better, businesses might not want to change it because Zendesk is very important to them.

This loyalty can make customers stay with the product for a long time, which helps the recurring income grow and makes SaaS products earn a lot of money.

This is another big advantage of the SaaS model. Each customer is like renting your software every month, instead of buying it all at once.

That means you’ll get some extra money from that customer every month. Making money regularly is a goal for people in online businesses, and the SaaS business model is all about this idea of earning money regularly.

The Cons of the SaaS Business Model

While it’s really nice to have income coming in regularly, the big amount of money you need to start your SaaS business might not seem as good.

In the beginning, you’ll need to spend money on hiring skilled developers, programmers, and UI designers. They will work together to ensure your product

When your business is doing well and customers like your idea, you’ll need to reinvest your earnings to make it grow. Sometimes, you might even have to put in extra money. This means getting better at using data, keeping everything safe, and getting more space for storing things. Making sure your team can handle the work, and solving unexpected problems as your business gets bigger.

Another challenge with SaaS is that it can be complicated. The main idea is easy, but making the product work really well can be tough. Even for people who know a lot about coding.

 This can be a problem when you want to sell a SaaS product because you’re aiming at a smaller group of possible business buyers. It is not like someone who’s into an Amazon FBA or lead generation business.

When Buying the SaaS Consider the Followings

Buying a smaller SaaS business is helpful if you understand the software’s programming or coding. However, this isn’t the case for larger SaaS businesses, as the purchase includes the development team and the seller provides documentation for their processes and systems. This guarantees that if the team ever leaves, finding a new developer would be quite easy.

You must check that the seller owns all of the software’s code, intellectual property, and branding in the SaaS business. Make sure your purchase includes the whole SaaS business, not just part of it.

It’s really important to know about the churn rate (how fast customers cancel their monthly software subscriptions), Lifetime Value (LTV), and Cost of Customer Acquisition (CAC). These numbers are super important because they show how well the business is doing. If your CAC is too high and your LTV is too low because lots of customers keep canceling, the SaaS business might not be a good investment.

It’s important to ask the seller about the SaaS Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) they’ve set. This will give you an idea of the direction the previous owner was heading.

If you’re good at making marketing better and growing it, this SaaS business might be a really good buy. This is especially true if you believe in the product and can figure out what parts of the marketing or how the product looks need to be fixed.

When you’re looking to buy a SaaS business, it’s a good idea to choose one that’s been steadily growing its customer base, rather than one that’s growing really fast. As we talked about before, super-fast growth can be tough to handle when you need to expand everything smoothly.

It’s usually smarter to buy a business that’s steady instead of one that’s growing really fast. A stable business gives you a better chance to improve your marketing and make the whole thing work better.

What Sellers Need to Know

This section will help you figure out how much a SaaS business is worth. It talks about all the things you need to consider when valuing a SaaS business, which can be quite different from other online businesses. If the LTV (lifetime value) number is high, it makes the business more attractive because SaaS relies on getting money from customers over and over. This can be a big factor in making a deal if the LTV is really high or keeps going up

Of course, you’ll want to lower your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and make fewer customers leave (churn). You can do this by changing how you market your product or maybe even by changing the price of the subscriptions.

In addition to these two important numbers, it’s crucial to have a good development team that can be handed over to the new owner. If not, you should have plenty of documents and information for the buyer to use in finding new developers. You should also own everything related to the business, like the software code, branding, marketing, and other things connected to it.

Finally, give the buyer training on how to use your software. Give them a detailed manual to read that explains everything about the product and the business. During this training, make sure to talk about any problems you’ve faced and show them where there are opportunities for growth so they can start off on the right path.

Feel free to talk about the problems your business has. Sometimes, these issues are what make new buyers interested in getting your SaaS business because they see a chance to fix them.

Who fits best to buy SaaS?

SaaS can be beneficial for a wide range of businesses and organizations, but it particularly suits certain types of users and situations:

Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs): 

SaaS is often an excellent choice for SMBs that may not have the resources to invest in extensive IT infrastructure or dedicated IT personnel. It provides access to powerful software without the need for significant upfront costs.

  • Startups: 

Startups can benefit from SaaS solutions to quickly scale their operations, streamline processes, and focus on their core business functions. SaaS allows them to avoid spending time and money on building and maintaining complex IT systems.

  • Remote and Distributed Teams: 

With the rise of remote work and distributed teams. SaaS tools are essential for collaboration, project management, communication, and file sharing. They enable teams to work together effectively from different locations.

  • Nonprofits and NGOs: 

SaaS can be cost-effective for organizations with limited budgets, such as nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). They can access essential tools like customer relationship management (CRM), fundraising, and donor management software without a large initial investment.

  • Educational Institutions: 

Schools, colleges, and universities can use SaaS for various purposes, including learning management systems (LMS), student information systems (SIS), and collaboration tools for educators and students.

  • E-commerce Businesses: 

SaaS e-commerce platforms are popular among online retailers. They provide features for inventory management, order processing, payment processing, and website hosting.

  • Professional Services: 

Law firms, consulting agencies, and other professional service providers can use SaaS for practice management, time tracking, billing, and client relationship management.

  • Healthcare Providers: 

Healthcare organizations can leverage SaaS for electronic health records (EHR), patient scheduling, and telehealth services, improving patient care and administrative efficiency.

  • Manufacturers and Distributors: 

SaaS can help streamline supply chain management, inventory control, and production planning for manufacturing and distribution companies.

  • Government Agencies: 

Government departments and agencies can benefit from SaaS for various purposes, including data management, citizen engagement, and document collaboration.

  • Subscription-Based Businesses: 

Companies that offer subscription-based services or products can use SaaS for managing customer subscriptions, billing, and customer support.

  • Global Enterprises: 

Large corporations often use SaaS to provide standardized software tools across their global offices, ensuring consistent operations and reducing IT overhead.

In general, SaaS is versatile and adaptable, making it a suitable choice for a wide range of businesses and organizations. The decision to adopt SaaS should be based on specific business needs, budget considerations, and the ability to integrate the chosen SaaS applications into existing workflows.

SaaS Growth Strategies

When you want to make your SaaS business grow, there are many ways to do it. You should pick strategies that match your strengths and what’s worked well for you before. But here are some ideas to help your SaaS business earn more money.

Certainly! Here are ten SaaS (Software as a Service) growth strategies that companies can use to expand their customer base and revenue:

  • Freemium Model: 

Offer a free version of your SaaS product with limited features to attract users. Then, encourage them to upgrade to a paid plan for access to advanced functionalities.

  • Tiered Pricing: 

Provide different pricing tiers to cater to a range of customer needs. This allows users to choose a plan that suits their requirements and budget.

  • Customer Onboarding: 

Create a smooth onboarding process that guides users through setting up and using your SaaS product. Offer tutorials, webinars, or personalized onboarding assistance to ensure a positive first experience.

  • User Retention: 

Focus on keeping existing customers engaged and satisfied. Regularly communicate with them, provide updates, and address their concerns promptly to reduce churn (customer loss).

  • Referral Programs: 

Implement referral programs that reward existing customers for referring new users. This can help you acquire new customers at a lower cost.

  • Content Marketing: 

Develop valuable content, such as blog posts, ebooks, and videos, that educates and informs your target audience about the problems your SaaS product can solve. This can drive organic traffic and establish your authority in the industry.

  • Partnerships and Integrations: 

Collaborate with complementary software providers to create integrations that enhance the value of your product. This can expand your reach and appeal to a wider audience.

  • User Feedback and Iteration: 

Continuously gather feedback from users and use it to improve your product. Regularly release updates and new features based on user input to keep your software relevant and competitive.

  • Targeted Advertising: 

Use digital advertising on platforms like Google Ads and social media to reach potential customers. Utilize data-driven targeting to display ads to the most relevant audience.

  • Customer Success Teams: 

Establish customer success teams or departments dedicated to helping customers achieve their goals with your SaaS product. These teams can proactively engage with users, offer support, and identify upsell opportunities.

Remember that SaaS growth is an ongoing process, and it’s crucial to measure the effectiveness of these strategies through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), and churn rate. Adjust your strategies based on data and market trends to optimize growth over time.

Sarim Zia

Sarim Zia

Associate Software Engineer

Sarim is working as an Associate Software Engineer at Akvateq and has experience in the Fintech industry. Skilled in PHP, JavaScript, React Js, React Native, Data Engineering, Software Development, and Data Science. He graduated from the NED University of Engineering and Technology.

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